May 8, 2019

Golden Cup


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Drawing inspiration from timeless soul and r&b DALEE developed her era bridging style telling her stories in a modern spectrum.

Connecting art with day-to-day experiences her open hearted approach combines jazzy melody lines with modern sound aesthetics. She finds herself lost in a world between the freedom of artistry and real-life responsibilities playing viola and piano since childhood and composing her first own material in the age of 14.

"I'm taking the audience on a journey, a journey shared for everyone[...]

"I remember learning a lot about professionality and persistence back in London", she remembers, "It was where I tasted blood for the first time"

The Track "Golden Cup"

Life can be full of doubts. Only few things are for sure. Love certainly is. Finding the person you care more about than yourself erases fear and negativity in a glimpse. You share yourself, unify, become one and powerfully wander through the world while collecting every experience, filling your golden cup up to the rim.

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